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Messages from the Psi-k trustees and other topics of relevance to the Psi-k community, e.g. community-led software codes or databases…

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Psi-k Working Groups review (No replies)

7 years ago
pdh 7 years ago

The Psi-k Network relies on its working groups and their spokespersons to represent the whole community working on first-principles computational materials science and to maintain a lively programme of conferences, workshops, tutorials and training schools.


A current list of working groups and spokespersons can be found at and it has been some years since this structure was reviewed or revised.


At its last meeting, the Psi-k Trustees accepted the recommendation of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) to establish a taskforce to review the purpose and structure of the working groups and to define the roles and responsibilities of their leaders. The taskforce will report its recommendations to the meeting of the Psi-k SAC in November.


The taskforce welcomes suggestions from the whole Psi-k community for new working groups in areas that are emerging or not covered by the current structure. Please send these to [email protected] by the end of May.


Xavier Gonze, Université catholique de Louvain

Peter Haynes, Imperial College London

Georg Kresse, University of Vienna

Jörg Neugebauer, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials