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PAOFLOW 2.0 released (No replies)

3 years ago
marcobn 3 years ago

PAOFLOW 2.0 has just been released. The code can be found in or installed directly via "pip install paoflow".

Documentation for the code is available at

Frank T. Cerasoli, Andrew R. Supka, Anooja Jayaraj, Marcio Costa, Ilaria Siloi, Jagoda Sławińska, Stefano Curtarolo, Marco Fornari, Davide Ceresoli, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli,
Advanced modeling of materials with PAOFLOW 2.0: New features and software design,
Computational Materials Science, Volume 200, 2021, 110828,

Recent research in materials science opens exciting perspectives to design novel quantum materials and devices, but it calls for quantitative predictions of properties which are not accessible in standard first principles packages. PAOFLOW, is a software tool that constructs tight-binding Hamiltonians from self-consistent electronic wavefunctions by projecting onto a set of atomic orbitals. The electronic structure provides numerous materials properties that otherwise would have to be calculated via phenomenological models. In this paper, we describe recent re-design of the code as well as the new features and improvements in performance. In particular, we have implemented symmetry operations for unfolding equivalent k-points, which drastically reduces the runtime requirements of first principles calculations, and we have provided internal routines of projections onto atomic orbitals enabling generation of real space atomic orbitals. Moreover, we have included models for non-constant relaxation time in electronic transport calculations, doubling the real space dimensions of the Hamiltonian as well as the construction of Hamiltonians directly from analytical models. Importantly, PAOFLOW has been now converted into a Python package, and is streamlined for use directly within other Python codes. The new object oriented design treats PAOFLOW’s computational routines as class methods, providing an API for explicit control of each calculation.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials