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New Wannier90 v3.0.0 major release (No replies)

Giovanni Pizzi
5 years ago
Giovanni Pizzi 5 years ago
Dear all,
After two years in the making, we are very proud to announce a new major release of Wannier90, v3.0.0. This can be downloaded from
This work has been possible also thanks to the many contributions of various researchers, who are listed on the GitHub home page of the project.
The list of all changes can be found on the CHANGELOG and the list of all features of the code can be found on the Features page of the website. 
Together with this new version, we also redesigned the Wannier website. You can find the new version at the usual address: (you might need to clear your browser cache to see the new website).
Furthermore, a paper describing the new functionality of this new major release is in preparation. We will keep you posted as soon as it is published.
The Wannier90 developer group (Giovanni Pizzi, Valerio Vitale, Nicola Marzari, David Vanderbilt, Ivo Souza, Arash Mostofi, Jonathan Yates)
P.S.: for the developers of the interfaces to the various codes: we are more than happy to be in touch with you to discuss the new interface features and how to integrate these in your interface codes.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials