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MaX Newsletter April 2020 (No replies)

4 years ago
marri 4 years ago

The April 2020 issue of the MaX (Materials Design at the Exascale) newsletter is now ready and accessible. In this issue we focus on:

*  DFT and GW towards the exascale: porting of the MaX codes on GPUs. To better exploit the potential offered by future pre-exascale and exascale HPC architectures, a number of MaX codes, as well as core libraries, have been released production-ready with GPU-support on heterogeneous architectures.

*  Co-design in materials science toward the exascale. Within the MaX co-design activity, Quantum ESPRESSO, one of the MaX flagship codes, has been used as a demonstrator for cutting edge new HPC technology (ARM + NVIDIA GPUs). 

*  Machine Learning: Improved predictions for time-to-solution of materials science simulations. Using only input file details and runtime options as descriptors, Machine Learning techniques have been applied to predict the time required by a set of algorithms used in a self-consistent field interaction of the Density Functional Theory method.

In the present issue you can also find updates on recent activities concerning MaX  flagship codes,  MaX researchers and upcoming events organised by MaX.

The complete issue of the Newsletter can be found here (link to the address)

If you want to receive by the email next issues you can find the subscription form to the MaX newsletter in the MaX website:

The MaX Team

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials