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Materials Cloud is now a recommended repository ... (No replies)

6 years ago
leopold.talirz 6 years ago

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce a collaboration between Materials Cloud and the Nature Research data journal Scientific Data.

Materials Cloud is an Open Science Platform offering educational, research, and archiving tools; simulation software and services; and curated and raw data. It is a non-profit service, developed and supported by the Swiss NCCR MARVEL, the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence, as well as by a number of other partners.

Scientific Data is an open access journal focused on a new article type, the ‘Data Descriptor’, which has been specifically designed to publish peer-reviewed research data in an accessible way, so as to facilitate its interpretation and reuse. Publishing Data Descriptors enables data producers and curators to gain appropriate credit for their work, whilst also promoting reproducible research. 

Today Materials Cloud joins a wide range of data repositories, representing research data from across the entire scientific spectrum. Materials Cloud has been approved by Scientific Data as providing stable archiving and long-term preservation of materials science datasets.

Researchers now have the opportunity to deposit materials science data to Materials Cloud, whilst submitting a Data Descriptor to Scientific Data. Upon publication, Materials Cloud will ensure the data is made freely accessible and preserved for the long term benefit of the research community.


We are excited to be contributing, with AiiDA and the Materials Cloud, to the open data effort in Computational Materials Science.


Best regards,

The Materials Cloud team

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials