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It's time to open materials data up ! (release o ... (No replies)

9 years ago
claudia 9 years ago

Dear all,

a new user interface has been developed for the

NoMaD (Novel Materials Discovery) Repository -- together with the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility We invite you to join by uploading your data. Many users have done so already.

Why may you like to join?

1) Data are securely stored for at least 10 years. This is requested by many European and US funding agencies. It also helps you to retrieve what was done in your own group some time ago.
2) Sharing data from computational materials science will help everyone in the field: The NoMaD Repository enables the confirmatory analysis of materials data, their reuse, and re-purposing. Have a look at our YouTube movies on the concept ( and a basic tutorial (

Let us also mention in passing that the application for a

European Center of Excellence (CoE) for NovelMaterials Discovery (NOMAD) was successful. This involves 8 top scientific groups and 4 high performance computer centers. The main goals of the NOMAD CoE are the creation of a Materials Encyclopedia and the development of Big-Data Analytics tools for materials.The list of PIs and their groups, can be found on our preliminary web page at, Soon we will describe more.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials