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Introducing the QUANTUM SERVER project (No replies)
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I am delighted to announce the creation of a test "landing" page for the Quantum Server project. Quantum Server is a collaborative networking website designed specifically to cater to the needs of the computational science and engineering research community. It allows researchers active in these fields to come together in a unified network and collaborate on computational science and engineering projects as freelance consultants or find/advertise relevant employment opportunities. You can find the test page for the project at the following address:
If you are interested in following the evolution of the project during the web development stage and would like to be notified when the final version of the website will finally be made available online, please register to our mailing list by entering your contact information at the centre of the page. You can also find more information about the Quantum Server project by visiting the various sections listed in the menu at the top of the page. Quantum Server will be subject to a small subscription fee to cover the costs of the initial web development as well as to constantly improve the quality of the user experience in future. However, given that the Quantum Server network is designed to help researchers find freelance contracts and employment opportunities, we trust that the benefits of becoming member of the network will far outweigh the subscription costs!
If you would like to find out more about the economic impact of computational modelling and simulation techniques in science and engineering, please have a look at these two reports by Dr. Goldbeck dealing specifically with the cases of Material and Molecular modelling respectively:
As already mentioned, please enter your personal information in the landing test page of the Quantum Server project if you are interested in subscribing to our mailing list in order to remain updated on the evolution of the project. The future success of the project depends entirely on how significant the manifestation of interest by the computational science and engineering research community will be! In the meantime, if you have any suggestions on how the structure, features and functioning of the website could be improved please contact us at our email address: [email protected]
Kind regards and thank you for your support,
Dr. Gabriele Mogni (founder of the Quantum Server project)