General announcements

Messages from the Psi-k trustees and other topics of relevance to the Psi-k community, e.g. community-led software codes or databases…

Due to the large number of posts recently, there is currently a delay of several weeks between posts being submitted and the corresponding emails being distributed to all users. Please bear with us while we try to improve this. In the meantime – and until this notice is removed – it would assist us considerably if you could submit only important and/or urgent posts and thus help to reduce the size of the mail queue. Under no circumstances should you resend posts multiple times when you find the emails are not distributed immediately.

In light of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine, we request that announcements relating to events, jobs and other activities associated with institutions supported by the Russian and Belarusian states are not posted to the Psi-k forum.

DL_SOFTWARE Portal (No replies)

9 years ago
itt 9 years ago


The former DisCo FORUM facility (UBB threads based) holding the forums for projects like DL_POLY, DL_MESO, DL_FIELD and ChemShell is now replaced by the DL_SOFTWARE portal facility
a Sakai portal hosted as part of the STFC’s Hartree Centre.

The facility is a platform of collaborative tools, offering various channels for discussion. Thus it allows the community to contribute and preserve ideas and knowledge by exchanging information on any aspect of the DL_SOFTWARE suites and the science that can be carried out with them, whether it be a query, report, recommendation or proposal.

For example, if you are commencing a new line of research you could request for advice and information. If you have problems or fixes for particular architectures you could post them at the forum, trend them on the Wiki, send them as private Messages, discuss them in the Chat Room and share files via Resources. You may also answer, comment or highlight interesting observation on any of the information channels as well as look and test the shared files in Resources. You may also like to share your own findings on a neat way of doing something, or an exciting results of your or someone else's research. Further to all this you could also advertise opportunities for jobs, events or funding by using the announce facility.

The possibilities are immense. The portal is there for you to promote science and modelling software by exchanging and sharing information with other members.

It is only the forums, resources and announcements that can be browsed anonymously. If you would like to join the facility in order to use all tools offered to their full functionality, please use the following google form:
to request access.

The policy for joining is that your ID is your email! We also need your institutional affiliation. When your request is approved you will get an email with with details about your temporary password. The approval process may take a couple of weeks time as it is not automatic due to security regulations at STFC's SCD.

Please make use of this facility without invading other users privacy! The moderators of this facility reserve the right to remove users' access in the case of submitted complaints.


Ilian Todorov

April 2015

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials