General announcements

Messages from the Psi-k trustees and other topics of relevance to the Psi-k community, e.g. community-led software codes or databases…

The Psi-k forum mailing lists are now closed permanently. Please read this announcement about the new Psi-k mailing list.

In light of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine, we request that announcements relating to events, jobs and other activities associated with institutions supported by the Russian and Belarusian states are not posted to the Psi-k forum.

Chair’s Announcements: new trustees, Psi-k Ope ... (No replies)

7 months ago
mostofi 7 months ago

To all in the Psi-k Community,

New Trustees

I’m delighted to announce that Lilia Boeri, Karsten Reuter and Patrick Rinke have been appointed to the Board of Trustees. You can find more information about the composition of the Board of Trustees, the Scientific Advisory Committee, and the newly refreshed Working Groups on the “People” pages of our website.

Psi-k Operations Manager Update

After two decades of service to Psi-k, and as a result of his promotion to a different role within STFC, Damian Jones is stepping down from his role as Psi-k Operations Manager. Many of you will have had the pleasure of interacting with Damian, probably most often via the email alias [email protected], but also at Psi-k events and conferences over the years. We all wish him the very best for his new role and will miss him greatly. I am happy to report that Pankaj Pathania of STFC will be taking on the role of Psi-k Operations Manager, and Damian is currently in the process of handing over his Psi-k responsibilities to Pankaj to ensure a smooth transition over the next few months. The email alias for contacting Psi-k remains the same: [email protected].

Psi-k Pre-Proposal Deadline

Finally, a reminder that the deadline for funding pre-proposals for Psi-k workshops and events is Monday 22nd July 2024. Full details can be found at

Best wishes,

Arash Mostofi
Psi-k Chair

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials