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Chair’s announcement: Psi-k Early-Career Inves ... (No replies)
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Dear Psi-k Community,
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that the call for applications and nominations for this year’s Psi-k Early-Career Investigator Awards is now open.
In addition to the long-running Psi-k Volker Heine Early-Career Investigator (VHECI) Award, which celebrates individual scientific achievements by early-career investigators in our field, we are also running an inaugural Psi-k Collaborative Early-Career Investigators (CECI) Award, which celebrates the crucial role that collaboration plays in scientific advancement. Further details of both awards and how to apply are given below.
Psi-k Collaborating Early-Career Investigators Award
For exemplary scientific achievements that result from collaboration between early-career investigators
The call for applications and nominations for the inaugural Psi-k Collaborating Early-Career Investigators (CECI) Award is now open.
The Psi-k CECI Award recognizes exemplary scientific achievements realized in, and thanks to, the essential collaboration of a team of two or more early-career investigators in the areas covered by the Psi-k mission statement (“…to develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions”).
The award has been established to emphasize the crucial role that collaboration plays in science, and well beyond. Indeed, while progress needs individual creativity, it is equally based on discussions, the exchange of information and ideas, and cooperation.
There will be one award of 2000 € for the winning team and four prizes of 500 € each for the other finalist teams.
Applications for the Psi-k CECI Award may be made by the team of early-career investigators themselves. Any member of the Psi-k community may also nominate a team of early-career investigators for the award. In either case, applications must be on the basis of scientific achievements that are documented by at least one peer-reviewed common publication or open source code development.
Eligibility requirements and details of how to apply can be found on the Psi-k CECI Award website. The deadline for applications is 23:59 CET, 28 February 2025.
The chosen finalists will be invited to present their work at a special Psi-k CECI Award Symposium at the Psi-k Conference in Lausanne, 25-28 August 2025.
Psi-k Volker Heine Early-Career Investigator Award
For exemplary scientific achievements of early-career investigators
The call for applications and nominations for the Psi-k Volker Heine Early-Career Investigator (VHECI) Award is now open.
The Psi-k VHECI Award recognizes individuals for their outstanding contribution to computational science in the areas covered by the Psi-k mission statement (“…to develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions”).
There will be one award of 1500 € for the winner and up to four prizes of 500 € each for the other finalists.
Early-career investigators are invited to put themselves forward for the Psi-k VHECI Award. Any member of the Psi-k community may also nominate an early-career investigator for the award.
Eligibility requirements and details of how to apply can be found on the Psi-k VHECI Award website. The deadline for applications is 23:59 CET, 28 February 2025.
The chosen finalists will be invited to present their work at a special Psi-k VHECI Award Symposium at the Psi-k Conference in Lausanne, 25-28 August 2025.
We look forward to receiving your applications and nominations for these awards!
Arash Mostofi
Psi-k Chair