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ASESMANET Exchange/Mobility call 2023 (No replies)

1 year ago
seriani 1 year ago
ASESMANET (Atomistic Simulations, Electronic Structure, Computational Materials Science and 
Applications: The African Network) is a network connected to The African School of Electronic
Structure Methods and Application (ASESMA) [1], ASESMANET is opening a call for scientists working
in Africa and active in research in electronic structure calculations that want to spend a period
of time visiting and doing research at a research group located in an African or European country
different from their country of residence. The visit needs to end by 31/December 2023. Funding for this program is provided by the External Activities Unit (EAU) of the Abdus Salam
International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste Italy, by the Centre Européen de
Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM), the National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery
of Novel Materials MARVEL funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Psi-k network.
The funds are to support Africa – Europe interactions between researchers in Europe and those in
Africa and promote intense scientific exchanges between researchers within Africa who are working
in electronic structure methods and applications. This network (ASESMANET) will fund African
researchers to visit other researchers or research groups in Africa or Europe for focused research
collaboration for two months or more at a time. It can also support conference participation between
Europe and Africa and within Africa. What the ASESMANET funds will cover: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Travel/flight tickets [from home country to host/collaborating country]. * Accommodation at host country * Living allowance at host country Who Should Apply? ------------------------------ Lecturers at Institutions in African countries who carry out research in atomistic/molecular modeling. These include those who use electronic structure methods (DFT, HF, etc.) or sampling methods such as Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics in different fields: Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Computational/Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Dynamics, Computational Drug Design and other areas. Postdoctoral fellows and advanced post-graduate students at the doctoral level working in Africa may also apply. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. How to Apply ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) First fill the Google Form here: 2) Then, after #1 above, send an email to [email protected] with the following documents: a) a 1-2 page description of the research project that will be carried out at the host institution: motivation, state of the art, research goals, methods to be employed, research plan, relevance for scientific progress, reasons for choosing the hosting research group. Email a pdf with the name: My_Name_Proposal.pdf b) Acceptance letter from the hosting scientist, stating that the host institution will provide the infrastructure for the visitor to conduct research, the proposed topic, and confirmation of dates of visit (this letter should be sent directly by the hosting scientist to the e-mail above). Moreover, the letter should describe the work of the hosting scientist of relevance for the proposed project. Email a pdf with the name: My_Name_Acceptance.pdf c) CV of applicant. A pdf with the name: My_Name_CV.pdf d) CV of the hosting scientist: A pdf with the name: My_Host_Name_Proposal.pdf You may also put all these documents into a single pdf file and email it to us. Deadline for Submission: ----------------------------------------------- Deadline for application: March 12, 2023 Contact for additional information: -------------------------------------------------------- For further information contact: [email protected] Websites of sponsors: ------------------------------------- [1] ASESMA is the African School of Electronic Structure Methods and Application, a bi-annual two-week school that brings together students from countries in Africa. See

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials