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AiiDA tutorials available online (No replies)

[email protected]
8 years ago
[email protected] 8 years ago

Dear members of the Psi-K community,

on behalf of the AiiDA Team I would like to inform you that we have added a Tutorials section to the AiiDA webpage:
You can download the first plug-and-play tutorial that is almost identical to what we have done at the ICTP College on Multiscale Computational Modeling of Materials for Energy Applications (held in July 2016 and mainly based on Quantum ESPRESSO as the computational engine)

In the future, we will distribute in the same section updated AiiDA tutorials (for new releases, new tutorial events, ...).
We have done our best to make your user experience free of any setup issues: you will just need to setup VirtualBox on your machine following our instructions, and download the image we provide.

Thanks for helping us improving AiiDA constantly


Fernando Gargiulo

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials