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2024 School on Electron-Phonon Physics, Many-Bod ... (No replies)
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Dear Colleagues,
Applications are now open for the “2024 School on Electron-Phonon Physics, Many-Body Perturbation Theory, and Computational Workflows”, which will be held at the University of Texas at Austin, from June 10-16, 2024. The registration period has been extended to March 15th, 2024. There is a limited number of remaining openings and the new applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis.
This school aims to introduce participants to advanced ab initio calculations for electron-phonon physics and excited-state phenomena using EPW, Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90, and
BerkeleyGW. The school will consist of theory lectures in the morning, and hands-on tutorial sessions in the afternoon. We will cover the following topics:
* Density-functional perturbation theory
* Maximally-localized Wannier functions
* Boltzmann transport equation for carrier transport in 3D and 2D
* Migdal-Eliashberg theory of phonon-mediated superconductivity
* Phonon-assisted indirect optical absorption and luminescence
* Polaronic states and self-trapping
* Special displacement method for finite-temperature calculations
* Ab initio many-body methods for electron-phonon physics
* GW quasiparticle calculations and GW perturbation theory
* Bethe-Salpeter calculations and exciton-phonon interactions
* Automation and computational workflows for many-body calculations
Hands-on training sessions will be held using the Frontera supercomputer of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). School instructors include developers of EPW, Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90, and BerkeleyGW; in alphabetic order: Mauro Del Ben, Paolo Giannozzi, Feliciano Giustino, Jon Lafuente-Bartolomé, Zhenglu Li, Steven Louie, Roxana Margine, Antimo Marrazzo, Nicola Marzari, Emmanouil Kioupakis, Samuel Poncé, Dan Stanzione, Sabyasachi Tiwari, and Marios Zacharias.
This school is primarily sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation, with additional support from the U.S. Department of Energy. It will be the fifth event of a series that started in 2018 with the First International School on Electron-Phonon Physics from First Principles (International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste), and continued with a virtual event in 2021, the Virtual School on Electron-Phonon Physics and the EPW Code, an in-person event in 2022, the School on Electron-Phonon Physics from First Principles (The University of Texas at Austin), and the Virtual School on Many-Body Calculations using EPW and BerkeleyGW in 2023.
The U.S. National Science Foundation will provide support for travel, lodging, and subsistence expenses for a number of students and postdocs who are currently based at U.S. academic institutions. Other participants will be expected to pay for their travel, lodging, and subsistence. We have block bookings of student accommodation on campus to ensure that everyone can be at walking distance from the lecture rooms.
In order to apply, please follow the instructions on the Registration tab at
For participants who need a travel visa, we will try to respond much sooner, on a first-come-first-served basis.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Austin,
The Organizers
Roxana Margine, Emmanouil Kioupakis, Samuel Poncé, Zhenglu Li, Annecy Liddell, and Feliciano Giustino