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10th Virtual Winter School for Computational Che ... (No replies)

6 months ago
CSAnstoter 6 months ago

The 10th Virtual Winter School for Computational Chemistry will be held 29th January – 2nd February 2024. Registration is now open and is free for all participants. The conference talks will be held live online using conferencing software. More details and registration information can be found on our website. (

Invited speakers include:
    • Professor Erin Johnson (Dalhouise University)
    • Professor Angela Wilson (Michigan State University)
    • Dr. Mario Barbatti (Aix Marseiller University)
    • Dr. Lobomir Rulíšek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
    • Dr. Hollóczki Oldamur (Debreceni Egyetem, Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar)
    • Dr. Emmanuel Fromager (Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique de Strasbourg)
    • Professor Feliu Maseras (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia and The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology)
    • Drs Janka Mátrai and Balazs Pinter (European Research Council)
    • Professor Benoît Champagne (University of Namur)
    • Professor Renana Gershoni-Poranne (Technion)

There will also be two workshops as part of the meeting run by QChem and BigDFT.
The conference will cover a broad range of topics in computational and theoretical chemistry, including wavefunction-based methods, DFT and various applications. The aim of the Winter School is to combine tutorial-style lectures with the latest research results and increase the accessibility of scientific research to all scientists, regardless of their situation. All early career scientists will have the opportunity to present their work in the form of Single Figure Presentations.

We look forward to welcoming you all there.

Best wishes,

Cate Anstöter on behalf of the organizing committee

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials