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Workshop: Spin-orbit entangled Quantum Magnetism (No replies)

5 months ago
cesarefranchini 5 months ago

Dear members of the Psi-k community,

We are happy to announce the Psi-k and ESI (Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna) workshop:

Spin-orbit entangled Quantum Magnetism

September 23-27 2024, to be held at ESI in Vienna, Austria


Multipolar orders, quantum liquids, spin-orbit excitons, topological phases, fractional excitations that emerge from spin-orbital entanglement in materials have attracted enormous interest over the last two decades. A dynamic development of this field is boosted by experiments opening new venues, like, e.g., 2D materials, but also by synergy of many-body theories and realistic material modeling.

The goal of this workshop is to gather leading experts and younger researches on spin-orbit entangled magnetism from different domains – density functional theory, many-body methods and experimentalists – to review the current progress in the field and, most importantly, to foster the mutual collaboration and synergy between theory and experiments to address and define actual challenges and future research directions. Focus sessions on: double perovskites, hidden orders, Kitaev/honeycomb/pyrochlores systems, multiferroics, 2D magnets.

Confirmed invited speakers:

Sergey Artyukhin, IIT, Genova

Leon Balents, UC, Santa Barbara

Silke Biermann, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau

Stefan Bluegel, FZ Jülich

Liviu Chibotaru, KU Leuven

Maria Daghofer, U Stuttgart

Olle Eriksson, Uppsala U

Bruce Gaulin, McMaster U, Hamilton

Marco Gibertini, U Modena

Daigorou Hirai, Nagoya U

Marie Therese Huebsch, VASP GmbH

Mikhail Katsnelson, Radboud U

Hae-Young Kee, U Toronto

Giniyat Khaliullin, MPI Stuttgart

Sergii Khmelevskyi, TU Wien

Bongjae Kim, KNU Daegu

Xinwei Li, NUS Singapore

Marco Moretti, Politecnico Milano

Alberto Morpurgo, UNIGE, Geneve

Arun Paramekanti, U Toronto

Eva Pavarini, FZ Jülich

Silvia Picozzi, CNR-SPIN Chieti

Kemp Plumb, Brown U

Jeffrey Quilliam, Sherbrooke

Samuele Sanna, U Bologna

Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zurich

Nandini Trivedi, Ohio State U



There is no registration fee. Maximum number of participants: 60

There will be a poster session and a few contributed talks to which the participants are encouraged to contribute. Applications to participate can be made by sending an email to

[email protected]

providing the following information


First Name, Last Name:


Career stage:


Topic of presentation:

Type of presentation (poster or contributed):


Registration deadline: April 15 2024

Looking forward to see you in Vienna,

The organizers

Cesare Franchini, Vesna Mitrovic, Leonid Pourovskii

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials