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Workshop 'Frontiers of near-term quantum co ... (No replies)

1 year ago
dobrautz 1 year ago

Dear colleagues,  

We are pleased to announce the Frontiers of near-term quantum computing workshop, which will take place in person at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, from August 29 to September 1, 2023. 

The workshop aims to bring together researchers from the fields of computer science, quantum information, and chemistry to discuss theoretical and computational aspects of near-term quantum computing, the capabilities and limitations of current approaches, and strategies for utilizing near-term hardware to solve practical problems. 

The program will include topical seminars by invited speakers, complemented by a poster session. We particularly encourage poster submissions from scientists at an early stage of their careers. The workshop will allow ample time for discussions and interactions.  

Further information, updates, as well as the newsletter signup, can be found on the conference website: 


and on our social media accounts: 




Please spread the word among interested colleagues, postdocs and students. We look forward to inspiring scientific discussions and hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you to Gothenburg. 

Sincerely, your local organizing committee, 

Werner Dobrautz, Laura García-Álvarez, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Simon Olsson 

Confirmed invited speakers: 

  • Panagiotis Barkoutsos, PASQAL 
  • Juani Bermejo-Vega, University of Granada  
  • Benjamin Brown, IBM Quantum 
  • Sophia Economou, Virginia Tech 
  • Sevag Gharibian, Paderborn University 
  • Christian Gogolin, Covestro 
  • Zoë Holmes, EPFL 
  • Stefan Knecht, Algorithmiq and ETH Zurich 
  • Jakob Kottmann, Augsburg University 
  • Tony Metger, ETH Zurich 
  • Ashley Montanaro, University of Bristol/Phasecraft 
  • Anand Natarajan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
  • Pauline Ollitrault, QC Ware Paris 
  • David Muñoz Ramo, Quantinuum  
  • Francesco Tacchino, IBM Research Zurich 
  • Ivano Tavernelli, IBM Research Zurich 
  • Xiao Yuan, CFCS, Peking University 
  • Artur Izmaylov, University of Toronto 
  • Bálint Koczor, University of Oxford 


  • Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT) 
  • Chalmers Area of Advance ICT (AoA ICT) 
  • Chalmers Area of Advance Nano (AoA NANO) 
  • Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials