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WInter School on Ultrafast Thermodynamics, Feb 1 ... (No replies)

6 months ago
MatthiasGeilhufe 6 months ago

We're organizing a one-week winter school in condensed matter physics, focusing on ultrafast thermodynamics. This event bridges ultrafast dynamics in quantum materials with nonequilibrium statistical physics. The program is designed for PhD students, advanced Master's students, and PostDocs. Participants will explore cutting-edge theoretical and experimental methods, gaining a comprehensive understanding of this emerging research area.

About the Winter School on Ultrafast Thermodynamics:

Quantum materials host a variety of intriguing phenomena, based on many-body interactions or topology. Due to tremendous experimental progress, these phenomena can now be controlled and probed on sub-picosecond time-scales, showing the dynamics of excitations, e.g., in terms of phonons (lattice), magnons (magnetization), excitons (electrons), and phase transitions.

This exciting progress requires extending our concepts of thermodynamics beyond classical and equilibrium regimes into the quantum and nonequilibrium domains. As a result, this dynamic and challenging research direction has emerged as a vibrant field of study.

To shape this promising research direction, the upcoming winter school aims to bring together experts from the fields of non-equilibrium statistical physics as well as ultrafast dynamics under the umbrella of ultrafast thermodynamics. The winter school provides an excellent opportunity for building future research collaborations and disseminating knowledge to the next generation of experts.

Topics of lectures 

  • Classical and quantum stochastic thermodynamics 
  • Active crystals
  • Stochastic dynamics in quantum materials
  • Ultrafast electron spectroscopy
  • Nanoscale thermodynamics and quantum transport
  • Time-resolved magneto-optical spectroscopy

Confirmed speakers

  • Camille Aron - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Davide Bossini - University of Konstanz
  • Lorenzo Caprini - Sapienza University of Roma
  • Matthias Geilhufe - Chalmers University of Technology
  • Katarzyna Macieszczak - University of Warwick
  • Juliette Monsel - Chalmers University of Technology
  • Anne-Lise Viotti - Lund University
  • Janine Splettstößer - Chalmers University of Technology




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials