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[Webinar] Developing an “Alpha Fold" for ... (No replies)

1 year ago
JaguarMosab 1 year ago

Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce that Materials Square is hosting a free webinar.

In this webinar, we invited Prof. Shyue Ping Ong (University of California San Diego), world-class scientist specializes in developing new materials informatics approaches to create and analyze rich materials data and apply them to the design of new energy materials. He is the author of over 200 scientific publications. Dr. Ong was part of a research team that developed a high-throughput (HT) computational framework for materials design. In 2011, this framework was spun off into the Materials Project (www.materialsproject.org).

In this webinar, Prof. Ong will discuss the development and applications of the M3GNet universal potential for the periodic table. Trained on the Materials Project database of structures. The M3GNet potential has broad applications in structural relaxation, dynamic simulations, and property prediction across diverse structural and chemical spaces. Please feel free to register this and discuss much fruitful information here.

Title: “Developing an “Alpha Fold" for Materials Science
Presenter: Prof. Shyue Ping Ong (University of California San Diego)
Date (based on several time zone)


-Thur, Feb 16, 2023, 20:00 ~ 21:00 | Los Angeles (PST)

-Thur, Feb 16, 2023, 23:00 ~ 00:00 | New York (EST)

-Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 05:00 ~ 06:00 | Paris (CET)

-Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 09:30 ~ 10:30 | New Delhi (IST)

-Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 13:00 ~ 14:00 | Seoul (KST)

-Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 07:00 ~ 08:00 | Riyadh (KSA)


(KST)Registration: https://www.materialssquare.com/webinar Registration is always FREE on materials square webinar.
See you virtual,

Mosab @ Virtual Lab.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials