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Warwick Battery Days (WBD 2024) Workshop - 20-21 ... (No replies)

3 months ago
bkarasulu 3 months ago

Dear All, 

On behalf of Warwick Chemistry and WMG, we are delighted to extend an invitation to the Warwick Battery Days (WBD 2024) Workshop, scheduled for 20-21 June 2024 at Warwick University. 

WBD 2024 features a distinguished line-up of speakers from academia and industry, including Saiful Islam (Oxford), Emma Kendrick (Birmingham), David Greenwood (WMG), Sian Dutton (Cambridge), Paul Shearing (Oxford), Rhodri Jervis (UCL), Chris-Kriton Skylaris (Southampton), and Pooja Goddard (Loughborough), alongside several emerging early-career researchers.

WBD 2024 aims to unite leading experts from the experimental and computational battery research community, as well as industry, fostering discussions on the current state-of-the-art in the field and future directions aligned with industrial and societal needs. Delegates have the option to submit abstracts for poster presentations, with select submissions considered for short contributed talks.

The registration is now open, and the early-bird registration fees for academics are £175 (excluding accommodation) and £250 (including on-site accommodation for the nights of June 19th and 20th). These discounted rates are valid until 01/05/2024. Registration fees cover all meals and refreshments during the conference and poster session.


Abstract submission deadline: 1st May

Registration deadline: 1st June


Please visit the WBD 2024 webpage for registration and abstract submission:



We hope that many of you will join us in June!


Best wishes,

Bora Karasulu


Also on behalf of Prof. Richard Walton and Prof. Louis Piper

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials