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"Twistronics and moire materials: bridging ... (No replies)

Valerio Vitale
10 months ago
Valerio Vitale 10 months ago

ICTP Workshop on “Twistronics and moire materials: bridging theory and experiments

16-19 Jan 2024, ICTP, Trieste 



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the upcoming workshop on “Twistronics and moire materials: bridging theory and experiments”, which will take place at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in the beautiful city of Trieste, on 16 -19 Jan 2024. The workshop participation format will be in-person only.

The aim of the workshop is to gather world-leading theorists and experimentalists in the field of moiré materials and to create a fertile environment for fostering ideas, promoting cross-talk between communities, and exposing researchers worldwide to the great variety of exotic phenomena in these materials.

Confirmed speakers:

Andrei Bernevig, Efthimios Kaxiras, Adina Luican-Mayer, Vladimir Fal’ko, Francisco Guinea, Oskar Vafek, Michele Fabrizio, Dante Kennes, Jose Lado, Giovanni Cantele, Daniele Guerci

Registration and call for abstracts

Registration and application for contributed talks are now open and we encourage you and students in your group to apply (application for posters is also open!) 

Deadline for applicants requesting financial and/or visa support is 16 October 2023

Deadline for all other applicants is 16 November 2023.

A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants and speakers, with priority given to participants from developing country.

Thanks to the generous contribution from ICTP, the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter and the Simons Foundation registration is free of charge.

More information about the workshop and the application process can be found on the workshop's website: https://indico.ictp.it/event/10456  

The organizing committee - Valerio Vitale, Martina Stella, Angel Rubio, Johannes Lischner, Manish Jain and Nicola Seriani

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials