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TranSIESTA + TBtrans + sisl school -- November 1 ... (No replies)

11 months ago
nicpa 11 months ago

Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce the upcoming workshop for sisl, TBtrans and TranSIESTA, which will run at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby in the week of November 13th - November 17th 2023.
The workshop will cost ~200 EUR (1.500 DKK) which will be used for lunches, a workshop dinner and coffee breaks.

For general information and registration(link at the bottom of the page):


The introductory school is aimed at students and researchers from different disciplines who plan to use, or want more understanding of the sisl + TBtrans + TranSIESTA framework.
The sisl framework allows creation and manipulation of tight-binding and LCAO matrices. Participants will learn about the essentials of the tight-binding
procedure and how to interact with the TBtrans and TranSIESTA outputs for post-processing.

The participants are required to have basic knowledge of solid-state physics, density functional theory (DFT), and hands-on experience with SIESTA or similar DFT codes.

The school will consist of lectures and hands-on sessions where experts will be available for discussion and guidance.

Registering for the school can be done through the links in the above mentioned information link.

NOTE: There is a limited amount of seats as it is a physical meeting.

With best wishes,

the organizers

sisl: https://github.com/zerothi/sisl

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials