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Symposium on Polaritonics for Next Generation Ma ... (No replies)

8 months ago
ruggenthaler 8 months ago

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the Symposium on Polaritonics for Next Generation Materials (https://www.european-mrs.com/polaritonics-next-generation-materials-emrs), which will take place in the beautiful city of Strasbourg on 27-31 May 2024, as part of the E-MRS Spring Meeting. The 2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) is organized with the Foundation Jean-Marie Lehn and will be held at the Convention & Exhibition Centre of Strasbourg.

The conference will consist of 21 parallel symposia to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in the field of materials science, covering the fields of Decarbonized energy and sustainability; Materials for human well-being; 2D materials and surfaces: synthesis, characterization and perspectives; Advanced characterization of materials; Materials sciences for cultural heritage; Electronics, magnetics and photonics. As such, it is widely recognized as being of the highest international significance and is the greatest of its kind in Europe with about 2,500 attendees every year.

Specifically within the Symposium program we are planning around 15 invited talks, 50 contributed talks and a poster session, covering the following topics:

  • Energy and charge transport in polaritonic materials

  • Polaritons for future optoelectronic technologies

  • Cavity-control of chemical reactions

  • Spectroscopy, photophysics, and photochemistry of polaritonic systems

  • Novel modeling approaches for confined light-matter interactions

We would like to invite you and your group members to participate in this event. The abstract submission is now open at https://secure.key4events.com/key4register/abstract.aspx?e=1689&c=17810 (please note to choose "Theme Q" so that your abstract is correctly linked to the symposium).

We strongly encourage attendance of graduate students and postdocs. As part of the symposium, up to two Young Researcher Awards will be given by the E-MRS. For further details see https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/2024-spring/young-researcher-awards.

We look forward to seeing you in Strasbourg,

The Organizing Committee

Tal Schwartz, Tel Aviv University

Kei Murakoshi, Hokaido University

Michael Ruggenthaler, MPSD Hamburg

Anoop Thomas, Indian Institute of Science, Bangaluru


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials