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Summer school on quantum Monte Carlo methods wit ... (No replies)

1 year ago
casula 1 year ago

We are pleased to announce the summer school on "Quantum Monte Carlo methods with the TurboRVB code".

The school will be held in person from July 3rd to 7th, hosted by SISSA, Trieste, Italy, and organized in the frame of the TREX HPC European center of excellence. The program is addressed to both young students and more senior researchers. Its aim is to provide a solid background in real-space quantum Monte Carlo methods and, at the same time, build the necessary skills to run this type of calculations by using the TurboRVB code.

The hands-on sessions, following the theory part, will focus on molecular and solid-state QMC calculations, done with high-end user interfaces (TurboGenius and TurboWorkflows) able to construct QMC workflows carried out by TurboRVB. Computational CPU/GPU resources will be kindly provided by CINECA during the time of the school. The TurboRVB code will be officially released during that week.

A number of free lodging is available, given on a first apply first served basis. Lunches and the workshop dinner will be offered by the organizers. A poster session opened to the attendees will also be organized. The best posters will be awarded, being the first prize, a one-week visit in the Quantum Theory of Matter group, at the IMPMC, Sorbonne University, Paris.

For more details and registration, please visit: https://trex-coe.eu/events/trex-school-qmc-turborvb-2023

Those interested in exploring further the latest QMC applications in the field of condensed matter, they will have the possibility of attending the "Workshop on Quantum Monte Carlo Methods at Work for Describing Novel States of Matter" as well, organized the week after the QMC TurboRVB school (July 10th to 14th) at the ICTP, Trieste. Please, note that a separate registration is needed to attend the QMC workshop.

Please, direct any questions to [email protected] or [email protected].

Hope to see you soon,

Michele Casula and Kosuke Nakano

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials