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School on anharmonic phonon theory and calculati ... (No replies)

1 year ago
flokno 1 year ago

We are pleased to announce the 5-day school and tutorial entitled "Finite-temperature and anharmonic response properties of solids in theory and practice" targeted at PhD students and early-career researchers in the field of first-principles-based materials simulations!

The goal of the school is to introduce state-of-the-art lattice dynamics methods for the simulation of thermodynamic, transport, and response properties of solids based on modern phonon theory. An emphasis will be placed on the connection of theory and application: The morning sessions are dedicated to our excellent lecturers (see below) who will provide thorough introductions to the fundamentals of each topic, and connect to more advanced aspects related to current research from there. In the afternoons, we introduce related implementations in the temperature-dependent effective potentials (TDEP) code, with hands-on tutorials. While a solid background in (ab initio) materials simulations is a prerequisite to attend the school, the first day is dedicated to tooling and interfacing using software packages such as ASE, so that participants with diverse backgrounds can take full advantage of the school. This extends to the different first-principles codes used in the community, as well as empirical and machine-learning force fields. The following topics will be covered: Phonon theory including effective and self-consistent approaches, thermodynamics in different ensembles including quantum statistics, thermal transport for high- and low-thermal-conductivity materials in and beyond the single-mode relaxation time approximation, and many-body theory for the dynamical response of anharmonic solids in scattering experiments.

The school will be held August 21-25 at the Quality Hotel Ekoxen in Linköping, Sweden.

More details can be found on our webpage: https://liu.se/en/research/tdep2023

Confirmed lecturers

Ivana Savic (King's College London)

Brent Fultz (Caltech)

Lucy Whalley (Northumbria University Newcastle)

Raffaello Bianco (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Blazej Grabowski (University of Stuttgart)

Venkat Kapil (University of Cambridge)

David Broido (Boston College)

Michele Simoncelli (University of Cambridge)

Omer Yaffe (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Giorgia Fugallo (University of Nantes)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials