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1 year ago
vanroeke 1 year ago

The French Research Network "GDR IAMAT" organizes a Spring school in the beautiful location of Roscoff, France, focusing on machine learning in computational materials science. There will be a maximum of 45 attendants, with priority given to non-permanent researchers, and poster sessions.

The school itself will be organized on five days, from Monday 17th of April 2023 early morning to Friday 21st of April at noon, with, each day, two morning lectures followed, in the afternoon, by hands-on computer tutorials, which will allow participants to become operationally familiar with the machine-learning approached described and explained in the corresponding morning lectures.

The second part of two afternoons will be dedicated to poster sessions, which will be introduced orally via flash-presentations.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Aurélien Decelle – Statistical methods for machine learning
  • Jean-Luc Parouty – Machine learning with deep neural networks
  • Jörg Behler – Neural network potentials for atomistic simulations
  • Filippo Vicentini – Neural networks quantum states
  • Arthur France-Lanord – Dynamics and transformations at the atomic scale using ML
  • Joao Paulo Almeida de Mendonca – Beyond DFT: learning new functionals
  • Ludovic Goudenège – Machine learning in phase-field approaches
  • Cosmin Marinica – Surrogate models
  • Pauline Besserve – Beyond the ground state: accelerating DMFT with quantum computers

For more details and pre-inscription procedure (before the 31st of January), please visit https://gdr-iamat.sciencesconf.org/?forward-action=index&forward-controller=index&lang=en

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials