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Reminder- Multiscale Materials Modeling-EUROMAT2 ... (No replies)
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Dear Colleagues,
Please notice that the abstract submission deadline of EUROMAT 2017 (17-22 Sept., Thessaloniki, Greece) has been extended until Wednesday February 22nd, 2017.
This is a reminder of invitation to you, your co-workers and students to present your research work at the symposium
“Multiscale Materials Modeling (Symposium D10) ” in the frame of EUROMAT2017 Conference (>
which will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece 17-22 September 2017. (
A description of the symposium can be found on
You can submit your abstract through
Don't forget to choose symposium D.10 Mustiscale Materials Modeling, upon submission.
Special Issues publications
Selected papers after review will be included in thematic special issues in the following international journals
Computational Materials Science,
Molecular Simulation,
Materials Science and Technology
Tentative list of invited speakers (to be updated)
Indicative Topics of the symposium
Best regards
Ass. Prof. Karakasidis Theodoros, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly
Prof. Kalliadasis Serafim, Imperial College, London, UK
Prof. Koumoutsakos Petros, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Assist. Prof. Tserpes Konstantinos, University of Patras, Greece
Prof. Schmauder Siegfried, Universität Stuttgart, Institute for Materials Testing, Germany
(Symposium Organizers)