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Registration open: CCP5 Summer School, 14-25 of ... (No replies)

6 months ago
alin 6 months ago

Dear Colleague,

Organised by CCP5 and sponsored by CECAM, the School is intended for newcomers to the science of molecular simulation and will provide a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical background as well as practical sessions on computational methods and research seminars to illustrate the versatility of simulation in modern research. There will also be opportunities for participants to present their own research.

The Summer School starts with a two-day programming course, where students can opt to take either Python or modern Fortran. After this preparation, the first five days of the main School will cover the basics of molecular simulation, and the remaining three days will be devoted to more advanced courses with options in mesoscale, ab initio, machine learning and biomolecular simulation. Course notes will be provided in electronic format. In addition to the lectures, there will be extensive practical sessions in which students will undertake computational exercises to reinforce and further explore the material.

The school will take place in person between 14th and 25th of July 2024 at University of Newcastle, United Kingdom.

A fee of £750 to cover part of the expenses will be charged to successful applicants. The school has 70 places available.

Please note The school can be recognised towards your doctoral training in UK, also upon request we can provide a letter for ECTS credits for your school.

Key dates
Registration opening: 1st of February 2024
Application deadline: 31st of March 2024
Acceptance decision: 15th of April 2024
Accept place: 22nd of April 2024
Fee payments: 15th of May 2024

Organising Committee
Dr Colin Freeman, University of Sheffield
Prof Neil Allan, University of Bristol
Dr James Dawson, University of Newcastle
Dr Alin Elena, STFC Daresbury Laboratory

Sponsors: CCP5. CECAM, CCPBiosim, CCP9, COSEC, University of Newcastle

full details and registration at: https://summer2024.ccp5.ac.uk/

Please feel free to forward this email to other interested parties.

Organising Committee

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials