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Psi-K Get-Together during DPG Condensed Matter M ... (No replies)

5 years ago
d.wortmann 5 years ago

Dear Psi-k members,

During the DPG Condensed Matter Meeting in Dresden the Psi-k Network will again organize a

Psi-k Scientific Get-Together on  Tuesday, 17. March 2020 at 19:00h in the Mensa of the University.

The DPG Meeting is attracting a growing number of international participants so it is a great opportunity to meet for our community and for you to meet your colleagues from abroad.

Please note that the deadline for contributions is the 1st of December.
So, please check the conference webpage:

We hope that you can come to the meeting and enjoy food and beer sponsored by Psi-k.

See you in Dresden!

P.H. Dederichs and D. Wortmann

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials