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PSI-EUSpecLab School on Advanced Spectroscopy 15 ... (No replies)

6 months ago
mverstra 6 months ago

Dear members of Psi-k,

This 15th-19th of April 2024 we are organizing a school blending theoretical and experimental approaches to electron and photon spectroscopies, with a focus on the integration of Machine Learning. The conference is co-organized by the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, which hosts a unique collection of large infrastructures (synchrotron, FEL, neutron+muon sources...), and the EUSpecLab Initial Training Network funded by the EU Horizon Europe program.

In the attached flyer you will find our exceptional roster of invited speakers on many body theory, machine learning, experimental spectroscopy and next generation beamlines. The event is aimed at PhD students in quantum materials science, but also more advanced researchers from Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering.

We hope to see you in Villigen this Spring!

On behalf of the organizers,

Matthieu Verstraete


Registration web link



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials