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Nominations for Invited Speakers - Focus Session ... (No replies)

1 year ago
ezurek 1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

Planning for the 2024 APS March Meeting is underway. If you have not already
done so, mark your calendars for March 4-8, 2024 in Minneapolis, MN.

Please help make the March Meeting a success by submitting nominations for
invited speakers. The nomination deadline is Thursday, July 20. 2023.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary
goal for APS. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups,
and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

To submit a nomination, visit the APS March Meeting submission portal

Note that you will need an APS web account to log into the nomination system.


In this email, we are soliciting nominations for the focus session:
"Matter at Extreme Conditions" (DCOMP, DMP, GSCCM) [16.01.01, same as 18.01.01]

This session will focus on the behavior of matter under extreme conditions of
pressure, strain, radiation, temperature, deformations and point impact. Such
research is not only of fundamental scientific importance, but it also has
numerous applications, e.g. for the synthesis of materials exhibiting novel
electronic and magnetic states of matter as well as unique stoichiometries and
crystal structures, which require the development of new chemical bonding rules.
It is relevant for the design of technologically important materials such as
spacecraft and armor, as well as for explosives and in nuclear explosions.
Extreme conditions drive the processes that occur in the Earth's core and the
interior of other planets.

Theoretical method developments coupled with the spectacular increases in
computer power have made it possible to more accurately probe the electronic
structure and properties of matter, as well as pushed the boundaries of the time
and length scales that can be achieved in simulations. At the same time, new
experimental techniques are being developed to interrogate matter under extreme
conditions at state-of-the-art facilities worldwide. Because these experiments
can be expensive to perform and the results difficult to analyze, the synergy
between experiment and theory is essential to advance understanding.

This focus session, which will consist of invited and contributed talks, will
bring together theoreticians and experimentalists from a broad range of fields,
including physics, chemistry, materials science, as well as earth and planetary
science and astrophysics, to discuss areas that include but are not limited to
the following:

1. New theoretical and computational techniques, including methods for crystal
structure prediction, improved treatment of electronic structure and properties
calculations, machine learning algorithms, as well as the development of
algorithms to advance dynamics simulations.

2. Predictions of new compounds with novel properties and revelations of new
chemical mechanisms and bonding traits under extreme conditions such as high

3. The development of novel experimental techniques and diagnostics.

4. High pressure and high temperature synthesis of materials with unique
properties including energetic and superhard materials as well as
superconductors and electrides.

5. Materials behavior under static and dynamic compression including phase
transitions, equations of states, chemical reactivity and the emergence of novel

6. Warm dense matter.

7. The behavior of matter in strong magnetic and electric fields.

8. Deep life.

We look forward to your nominations!

Maosheng Miao
Eva Zurek
Ion Errea
Qingyang Hu

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials