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Minicolloquium "Two-dimensional excitonic i ... (No replies)

1 year ago
daniele.varsano 1 year ago
We are happy to announce the three-day MiniColloquium Two-dimensional excitonic insulators at the Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (CMD30 – FisMat2023), spanning three half days, including discussion and posters sessions. It will be held from Monday 4th to Friday 8th September 2023 in Politecnico in Milano, Italy.
The research on excitonic insulators has its origin in a group of visionary physicists, including Leonid Keldysh and Walter Kohn: If a narrow-gap semiconductor, or a semimetal with slightly overlapping conduction and valence bands, failed to fully screen its intrinsic charge carriers, then excitons would spontaneously form, leading to an ‘excitonic insulator’— a permanent Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons.
In the last two years, mounting evidence of possible excitonic insulators in two dimensions has been accumulating, as layered materials combine optimal band structures, poor screening behavior, truly long-ranged interactions, and giant excitonic effects. New electron-hole bilayers hold promise of room-temperature superfluid behavior, whereas signatures of the long-sought bulk phase were found in monolayers. Excitonic materials exhibit other kinds of order as well: a variety that includes topological insulators, ferroelectrics, unconventional superconductors. This introduces new urgent and far-reaching questions, concerning the role of excitonic correlations in a plethora of allegedly unrelated phenomena, whose interplay is just beginning to be explored.


By collecting the key actors of theoretical and experimental research, who are spread among different communities, this MiniColloquium aims at in-depth analysis of common themes and novel challenges, to progress our understanding of interacting systems in low dimensions. 
We invite you to submit your abstract for contributed talks and posters at 
https://eventi.cnism.it/cmd30-fismat/submission_form by 15th of April.
Looking forward to meet you in Milan!
The organisers,
Hope Bretscher (MPI, Germany), Elisa Molinari (UniMoRe, Italy) and Massimo Rontani (Cnr-Nano, Italy)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials