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International workshop on thermoelectric materia ... (No replies)
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the international workshop "Thermoelectric materials: From theoretical design to industrial application", taking place at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland on July 3-6, 2017.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a range of people who work along the discovery chain from the basic physics, chemistry and materials science (theory and experiment) of thermoelectric materials to those who develop devices or are interested in the industrial applications of thermoelectric materials. We aim to inform the basic science community of the real-life needs arising in industrial applications, as well as informing leaders of industry of the most recent developments in the basic science of these materials. There is a strong emphasis on the European scientific and industrial communities and possibilities for improved cooperation at European level but invited speakers will also come from the USA.
The conference is supported by Science Foundation Ireland and the Psi-k network for computational materials science. Thanks to the Psi-k sponsorship, 300 EUR bursaries will be available for 10 PhD students who submit abstracts to the workshop. The bursaries will be awarded based on the scientific quality of abstracts and alignment with the scientific subjects of the conference. To be considered for a bursary, please indicate that you are a PhD student when submitting your abstract.
More detailed information about the workshop can be found at:
Abstract submission will open on March 1st and close on May 1st. Details are given at:
Conference organizers:
Ivana Savic, Stephen Fahy & Kafil Razeeb, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
Jorge Kohanoff, Myrta Gruening & Tchavdar Todorov, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Yaniv Gelbstein, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.