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International Workshop on Surface Physics IWSP-2 ... (No replies)

8 years ago
to.ossowski 8 years ago

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to announce the 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics (IWSP-2017) which is organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wroclaw, Poland.

The sessions will cover mostly - but not only - the following topics:

- atoms and molecules on a surface – motion and functionality;
- superstructures on surfaces – properties and applications;
- nano-devices;
- functionalized organic and biomaterials on surfaces;
- physical characterization of nanosystems.

List of invited speakers with confirmed lecture titles:

Claudia Draxl (Berlin, Germany)

James Evans (Ames, Iowa, USA):
Predictive atomistic-level modeling of diffusion-mediated self-assembly and catalytic reaction processes on surfaces

Michael Gottfried (Marburg, Germany):
Surface science of reactive aromatic molecules

Matthias Hengsberger (Zurich, Switzerland):
From attoseconds to picoseconds - dynamics in surfaces studied by photoemission

Robert Kucharczyk (Wrocław, Poland):
Self-assembly and surface alloying of group-14 elements on Ru(0001)

Sander Otte (Delft, the Netherlands):
Probing emergent phenomena through large-scale atom manipulation

Yuri Suchorski (Vienna, Austria):
Metal-oxide boundary effects in oxide-supported model catalysts

Elsebeth Schröder (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Michael Tringides (Ames, Iowa, USA):
Metal growth on graphene: morphology and intercalation

Thorsten Wagner (Linz, Austria):
In-situ studies of organic expitaxy

Ryszard Zdyb (Lublin, Poland):
Rashba effect in one-dimensional structures on silicon surfaces

Important dates:

2 February 2017 - Registration and abstract submission open

1 April 2017 - Abstract submission deadline

20 April 2017 - Notification of acceptance

20 May 2017 - Fee payment due date

26 June 2017 - Get-together in Trzebnica


Bus transfer between Wroclaw and the IWSP-2017 conference site will be
provided. When registering, please indicate your transportation preferences.

Further details on the website:


Organizing committee:

Grażyna Antczak – chairwoman
Piotr Mazur – treasurer
Tomasz Ossowski – scientific secretary
Tomsz Pabisiak – assistant
Elwira Wachowicz – chairwoman


Secretariat of IWSP-2017
Plac Maksa Borna 9
PL 50-204 Wroclaw
fax: (+48 71) 328-73-65
e-mail: [email protected]
tel: (+48 71) 375-9265 or (+48 71) 375-9266

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials