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IMPRESS Workshop on Interface Morphology Predict ... (No replies)
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Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the first IMPRESS workshop on "Interface Morphology Prediction with Robust and Efficient Structure Search", held at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland) on 7-9 June 2017. The workshop targets the challenges in computational structure prediction of ensembles on surfaces and interfaces. Recently, novel machine learning approaches have started to compete with more traditional stochastic methods, such as basin hoping or simulated annealing. It is our intention to bring the machine learning community and the traditional structure search community together, so that both can learn and benefit from each other's experiences. In addition to oral and poster sessions, the workshop programme features daily discussion sessions to promote an open exchange of ideas.
At this stage, we welcome your contributions for both oral presentations and posters. The abstract deadline is 15 April 2017. The event is free of registration fees thanks to support from CECAM, Psi-K and NOMAD. Workshop information, registration and abstract submission is available at:
We welcome you to Helsinki in June!
Milica Todorovic, Oliver Hofmann and Patrick Rinke.