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DL_Software training workshop 3-5 April and Hack ... (No replies)
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Dear all,
This is the last call for the 3-day DL_Software training workshop at Queen Mary University of London from 3-5 April 2017, followed by a Hack Day on 6 April 2017. The events are supported by a number of EPSRC communities - CCP5, MCC and UKCOMES.
The DL_Software initiative covers a range of molecular modelling programs - DL_POLY, DL_FIELD, DL_MESO, DL_CGMAP, DL_MONTE and ChemShell - developed at STFC Daresbury Laboratory.
The events are an opportunity for current and potential users of DL_Software to learn what methodologies and algorithms these programs offer, how to use them efficiently and best apply to user specific needs. The training workshop also offers demonstrations and hands-on sessions giving users the opportunity to compile, run and experiment with the programs as well as interact with their developers.
For the full workshop description and registration, please, follow the link - .
The Hack Day is a one-day technical workshop aiming specifically for researchers who are interested in project collaboration with the programs' leads such as methodology development and code modification, system and model set-ups, work flow scripting, job submissions, etc.
For the Hack Day registration, please, follow the link - .
Ilian Todorov
Computational Chemistry Group
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
United Kingdom