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DFT2024, Paris, August 25 - 30, 2024 : registrat ... (No replies)

Frederic Labat
10 months ago
Frederic Labat 10 months ago

Dear Colleagues, 

As announced in Bruxelles during the last DFT conference, the 20th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications will be organized in Paris (France) in August 2024.   

The conference will take place in the heart of Paris in the Curie Campus at Chimie ParisTech-PSL very close to the Panthéon and the Luxembourg garden ideally located and well connected with the bus, metro and RER networks.  It will start with a welcome reception on the afternoon of Sunday August 25 and will take place until Friday August 30 at noon.   

Registration is now opened and all information is available on our website: http://www.dft2024.com 

This conference series is known for the broad range of topics covered ranging from methodological developments to applications in DFT. It thus attracts a very wide public and it is the ideal place for stimulating discussions. Check the list of invited speakers here: https://www.dft2024.com/welcome 

Many slots are available for contributed talks and posters, do not wait to register and submit an abstract! 

Important Deadlines : 

Abstract submission Deadline: 13 March 2024

Early bird registration till 15th May 


Wishing to see you in Paris !  

The Organizing Committee  

Ilaria Ciofini, Carlo Adamo, Frédéric Labat, Eric Brémond, Alexis Markovits, Vincent Tognetti, Laurent Joubert, Christophe Morell, Henry Chermette 

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