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DFT and Beyond - From Foundations to Frontiers: ... (No replies)

6 months ago
seko 6 months ago

Workshop and Hands-on School
Aug 20 - 29, 2024, Berlin, Germany

This 10-day, in-person workshop and hands-on school will cover the basics and advanced concepts of first-principles electronic-structure methods, for a group of 70 participants. The event consists of a conference with keynote talks by renowned speakers in the morning and tutorial sessions in the afternoon for hands-on experience with the all-electron electronic structure code FHI-aims. The workshop is intended for participants from academia as well as industry. The tutorial sessions are especially tailored towards early-career researchers at the Ph.D. and postdoc stage. 


Focus points of the event:

  • First-principles Simulation for Molecules and Solids using FHI-aims
  • DFT, GW approximation, Bethe-Salpeter Equation, Time-Dependent DFT, 
  • Molecular Dynamics, Force Fields and Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
  • Exascale Computing and first insights into Quantum Computing
  • Applications of “DFT and Beyond” methods in Industry

A list of the invited speakers and topics can be found here. 


We offer a significant discount for early bird registrants (deadline: March 01, 2024).
The conference fee covers access to all lectures and tutorials, accommodation for 10 days, full board, and social activity at the weekend. 

Register now!

What is FHI-aims?

FHI-aims is an all-electron electronic structure code based on numeric atom-centered orbitals. It enables first-principles simulations with very high numerical accuracy for production calculations, with excellent scalability up to very large system sizes (thousands of atoms) and up to very large, massively parallel supercomputers (ten thousand CPU cores). The code comes with full source access. FHI-aims is the product of a very large community, without whom this code would not exist and to whom we are immensely grateful. Please see https://fhi-aims.org for more information.

Looking forward to meeting you soon in Berlin!

The organizers

Volker Blum, Sebastian Kokott, Konstantin Lion, Mariana Rossi,
Matthias Scheffler, Andrey Sobolev

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials