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Deadline for abstract submission - Machine Learn ... (No replies)

5 months ago
krossikrossi 5 months ago

Dear Colleagues,

The deadline for abstract submission for the "Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science" workshop, hosted at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and taking place from May 13th to May 17th, 2024, is approaching.

Deadline for abstract submission closes in less than 2 weeks: February 29th, 2024 !

The event attendance is free of charge thanks to the generous support of the TAILOR EU network, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, MAX CoE, CECAM, PSI-K. Event registration and abstract submission takes place at  https://ml4ms.ijs.si/ , where additional details about the event are also available. We encourage interested participants to submit their abstracts for poster and oral presentation by February 29th, 2024

The workshop focus is placed on exploring innovative machine learning approaches, which exploit information and data of different nature (text, images, spectra, scalars, tensors) and from different sources of different fidelity, in the context of materials design and discovery. 

The first part of the workshop entails pedagogic intro lecture and hands-on tutorial, where researchers will have the opportunity to grow solid foundations and a complete overview of cutting-edge machine-learning methods to tackle outstanding challenges across materials design and discovery.

In the second part of the workshop, invited and contributed speakers will delve on the state-of-the-art in machine learning for materials design, and discuss and identify routes on how to best combine information of different nature towards a unified vision (and solution) of the material design and discovery problem.

Confirmed Speakers include : 
Kevin Jablonka (FSU Jena, DE), 
Emma King-Smith (University of Cambridge, UK),
Christoph Koch (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE), 
Teodoro Laino (IBM Zurich, CH), 
Nataliya Lopanitsyna (Syngenta, CH), 
Jörg Neugebauer (Max Planck Institute, DE), 
Lilo Pozzo, (University of Washington, US)
Helge Stein (Technical University of Munich, DE)
Tian Xie (Microsoft Research, UK)

We look forward welcoming you in Ljubljana,
The organizing committee
Kevin Rossi (TU Delft), Milica Todorovic (University of Turku), Patrick Rinke (Aalto University), Stefano De Gironcoli (SISSA), Sintija Stevanoska (Jožef Stefan Institute), Sašo Džeroski (Jožef Stefan Institute)

The event is co-organized by the DAEMON COST Action CA22154 - https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22154/ 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials