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Conference on disordered materials [on-line regi ... (No replies)

7 months ago
jkshenton 7 months ago

Dear colleagues,


This is the final reminder about the interdisciplinary meeting on disorder in materials being held on 12th and 13th December.



Free on-line registration is still open, and the talks below will be live-streamed as a webinar:


Thibault Charpentier

CEA Saclay

Boosting NMR-Driven Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations of Glasses with Machine Learning

Manuel Cordova


Atomic-level structure determination of amorphous molecular solids by NMR

Andrew Goodwin

Univ. Oxford

New approaches for interpreting diffuse scattering: from single crystals to amorphous solids

Ricardo Grau-Crespo

Univ. Reading

Modelling the NMR spectra of solid solutions: canonical and grand-canonical ensembles, DFT and machine learning

Nicholas Hine

Univ. Warwick

Calculation of Absorption and Emission Spectra in Explicit Solvent using Large-Scale DFT and Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials

Kim Jelfs

Imperial College

Computational Modelling of Amorphous Microporous Materials

Karen Johnston

Univ. Durham

Probing Structural Subtleties in Anti-Perovskite Solid Electrolytes

Yaroslav Khimyak

Univ. East Anglia

Understanding phase transitions and nature of disorder in pharmaceutical materials: polymorphs, co-crystals and nano-confined systems

Andrew J Morris

Univ. Birmingham

Combining ss-NMR with XAS and first principles calculations to build and verify finite temperature amorphous models

Samuli Ollila

Univ. Helsinki

NMRlipids project delivers quality evaluated membrane simulations for data driven applications

Elena Patyukova

Univ. Liverpool

Structural disorder in inorganic crystalline materials: a comprehensive analysis

Martin Wilkening

Univ. Gratz

Li ion diffusion in disordered materials as seen by NMR


Please register this week to receive the Zoom link information in good time.


With good wishes,


Paul Hodgkinson (Director of CCP in NMR Crystallography)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials