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Condensed Matter Days, 28 to 31 October 2024, M ... (1 reply)
Here also the web-page in French:
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Since 1988, the "Condensed Matter Days"(JMC) are organized every even year by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the French Physics Society (SFP). The main covered topics correspond to all areas of condensed matter, from concepts to applications. The success of the JMC (600-700 attendees) renders this conference the biggest congress on Physics in France.
The 19th edition will be held in Marseille from 28th to 31st of October 2024.
The list of plenary speakers:
A list of mini-colloquia that could be of interest for the PSI-K community will be present:
IA1 - Advances in machine learning for materials modelling
IA2 - Artificial intelligence in electron microscopy
PM1 – Spin or Orbital current-induced magnetization torques and self-induced torques : how to distinguish between different contributions in magnetic materials
PM2 – Functional materials for spintronics
PM3 – Emerging Majorana materials : towards topological quantum computinh
2DMS2 – Growth of 2D materials: structural, optical and electronic properties
2DMS3 - Electronic and optical excitations in bulk and low-dimensional materials
NN2 - Mechanics at the nano-scale : in-situ measurements and simulation under extreme conditions
NN3 - From single molecule to supramolecular or polymerized layer on surfaces
NN4 - Nanoparticles for energy
NN5 - Properties of metal clusters and nanoparticles
the full list of mini-colloquia is available on the conference website:
We invite abstract submissions for contributed talks and posters.
see you there
Claudio Attaccalite