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Computational Studies of Electrochemical Energy ... (No replies)
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Abstract submission is open for Symposium E.3 on In Situ/Operando and Computational Studies of Electrochemical Energy Materials at the International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2017)( IMRC will take place in Cancun, Mexico, on 20-26 August 2017. Work combining first principles modeling and characterization of electrochemical energy systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrocatalysts, etc) is of particular interest. The deadline for abstracts is April 7.
Symposium E3: In Situ/Operando and Computational Studies of Electrochemical Energy Materials.
Key topics include:
In situ / operando studies on structural / chemical evolution at surfaces / interfaces
Electrochemical phenomena at electrified interfaces
New structural / chemical techniques for time-resolved imaging
Environmental microscopy (electron, scanning probe, x-ray)
Focused beam / coherent scattering techniques
Corrosion and non-equilibrium / metastable phase formation at interfaces
Design, synthesis, and processing of novel energy materials
Density functional theory modeling of interfacial process
First-principles computation of spectroscopic and microscopic signals