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"CECAM/Psi-k: Advanced School and Workshop ... (No replies)

1 year ago
YairL 1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing because the deadline to apply for the CECAM/Psi-k Advanced School and Workshop on “Path Integral Quantum Mechanics” is approaching. The event will be held from June 4–8, 2023 at Tel Aviv University, Israel: https://www.piqm2023.sites.tau.ac.il/. As with all CECAM events, there are no conference fees.

The event will take on an innovative format that combines both the training aspect of an advanced school on the first day, by including a hands-on tutorial, followed by 3.5 days of advanced workshop presentations and in-depth discussions. Participants who have little experience with path integral methods will be invited to prepare for the advanced school by following an online course (accessible after free registration at https://tinyurl.com/pimd-mooc) before the start of the school.

We will have presentations from many experts in the area (https://www.piqm2023.sites.tau.ac.il/speakers) on the workshop days. We have also reserved spots for a limited number of contributed presentations by early-career researchers and advanced students. Registration is now open, and we will start considering applications from April 16th (2023) - so please try to apply before that date, especially if you need visas to come. The final deadline for applying and submitting an abstract is April 30th (2023).

We hope to see you in Tel Aviv!
Do not hesitate to forward this to potentially interested applicants.

The Organizers:
Barak Hirshberg, (Tel Aviv University)
Michele Ceriotti, (EPFL)
Venkat Kapil (Cambridge University)
Yair Litman (Cambridge University)
Tom Markland (Stanford University)
Mariana Rossi (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials