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CCP5 Annual General meeting 2023 registration cl ... (No replies)

1 year ago
alin 1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

The CCP5 Annual General Meeting 43 edition will be held at the University of Warwick, lunchtime to lunchtime Monday 11 Sept to
Wednesday 13 Sept 2023, sponsored by CCP5 and the RSC Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Group.
More details and registration  https://agm43.ccp5.ac.uk/

The conference aims to showcase talks from the modelling community with new members and PhD students particularly encouraged to submit talks and posters.
We have excellent invited speakers.

Prof Clare McCabe, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Prof Paola Gallo, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Prof Daniel Crawford, Virginia Tech, Director of MolSSI
Prof Gábor Csányi, University of Cambridge
Dr. Dr Sara Sangtarash, University of Warwick
Dr. Colin Freeman, University of Sheffield, CCP5 Prize winner
Dr. Nicodemo di Pasquale - Brunel University London, CCP5 Sandpit winner
Dr Edris Joonaki, TUV SUD, National Engineering Laboratory, SMTG Early Career Prize Winner
Dr. Fausto Martelli, IBM UK

There will be contributed talks (17 min + 3 min questions) and poster sessions.
Each delegate can submit abstracts for both talks and posters. Abstract submission closes on 31st of May and registration on 15th of
July, with payment due by 1st of August.

The fees for the AGM are £250. Fees include accommodation on campus for 2 nights, all meals and refreshments. A reduced fee, £120, is offered
for Warwick affiliated participants, that do not require accommodation on campus.

Please, add the dates to your diary and we look forward to seeing you in Warwick this September!

Kind Regards,

The organizing committee

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials