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ACCMS-GRC webinar#26 on "Off-resonant Optom ... (No replies)
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Dear All,
Greetings from "The Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science – Global Research Center (ACCMS-GRC)", SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
We are pleased to invite you for the ACCMS-GRC webinar#26 to be held on April 30, 2024, at 11.30 AM Indian Standard Time (URL:
The webinar is to be delivered by Prof. Jian Zhou, Principal Researcher from School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China through zoom meeting. His talk is on “Off-resonant Optomechanics Induced Phase Transitions: Theory and Computational Predictions”.
The Program Schedule is as follows,
11.30 AM: Welcome Note
11.30-11.35 AM: Introduction to Prof. Jian Zhou
11.35 AM – 12.25 PM: Webinar talk by Prof. Jian Zhou
12.25-12.40 PM: Round table discussion by the Panelist – Prof. Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, Department of Chemistry, Center of Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST)
University of Malaya, Malaysia
12.40 – 12.55 PM: Q&A session
12.55-1.00 PM: Concluding Remarks
All academicians, scientists, researchers, scholars, engineers and students all over the world are cordially invited to join the webinar.
The Registration is free and the participants can register for the webinar through the link:
Zoom meeting details will be shared with the registered participants.
Herewith, the webinar#26 poster is attached.
Looking forward for your virtual presence in the webinar#26.
Thank you
With best regards,
Prof. Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Head of ACCMS-GRC
Webinar Convener
Dr. V.J. Surya
Dr. S. Yuvaraj (Center-in-Charges)
Webinar organizers