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ABINIT School 2024 - Towards ab initio simulati ... (No replies)

9 months ago
fbrieuc 9 months ago

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 2024 ABINIT school that will take place in Bruyères-le-Châtel (close to Paris), France from 29 January to 2 February 2024.

This school will present new developments and provide guidelines for the usage of the ABINIT software package on large-scale high-performance computing facilities.

An important part of the school will be dedicated to hands-on sessions on one of the largest supercomputers in Europe.

Various topics will be covered including:

HPC related developments and guidelines

- Introduction to high-performance supercomputer architectures
- Compiling and tuning ABINIT on modern large-scale supercomputers
- Running ABINIT on accelerated architectures (MPI - OpenMP - GPU)
- Iterative algorithms for efficient diagonalization

Potential exascale applications

- GW calculations for accurate band structure
- Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) for strongly correlated materials
- Coupled Cluster calculation of total energy from the Coupled Cluster for Solids (CC4S) software coupled to ABINIT
- Workflows with ABINIT for high-throughput calculations

You can find more information and register to the school at https://school2024.abinit.org
Participation to the school will be free of charge for members of the NOMAD Center of Excellence.

Looking forward to seeing you there,
B. Amadon, F. Brieuc, X. Gonze, M. Torrent

Contact: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials