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3rd US-based School and Workshop on TDDFT and Ex ... (No replies)

1 year ago
a.schleife 1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

The registration deadline is approaching, so here is my reminder:

We are organizing the 3rd iteration of the US-based TDDFT and Excited States Summer School and Workshop to take place at Rutgers, Newark June 29th-July 3rd 2023, and encourage your students to apply! Information about the school is posted here (https://sites.rutgers.edu/tddft/) and more will be added as it becomes available.

At the Summer School, students will experience a combination of lectures and hands-on computational lessons to learn about DFT and TDDFT fundamentals, nonadiabatic dynamics, as well as how to model excitations of molecules in the condensed phase and excitations in extended systems. We are still fundraising for student support, so don't know yet how much of the costs of housing and travel we will be able to cover. In addition, after the School, a Workshop focusing on current research in TDDFT and excited states will be held, with invited speakers presenting July 5th-8th. 

Please share this information with students and postdocs who you think might be interested in this opportunity. To apply to the summer school, students/postdocs should upload their CV and a 200-word statement to the following google form:


A separate email request will be sent to the advisor requesting a support letter.

We hope to receive all applications by April 10th and plan to let students know if they are chosen to attend the school by May 1st.

Please reach out to us with any questions! All the best,

Adam Wasserman, André Schleife, Carsten Ullrich, Christine Isborn, Michele Pavanello, and Neepa Maitra

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials