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2024 Quantum MultiScale School (No replies)

10 months ago
olivieroandreussi 10 months ago

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce the 2024 Quantum MultiScale (Q-MS) School on first-principles materials modeling to be held June 24-28 at Boise State University in beautiful Boise, Idaho. This year’s program will begin with introductory lectures and hands-on challenges and then pivot to modeling realistic experimental set ups, such as electrochemical interfaces of materials, excited electronic states and molecular condensed phases. Applications of the tools on student-driven problems will represent a core component of the school.

Instructors from the three teams that form the Q-MS collaboration (the MATERIALab at Boise State, the Pavanello group at Rutgers Newark, and the Paesani lab at UC San Diego), as well as Iurii Timrov from PSI Zurich will lead discussions, open challenges and offer one-on-one helping sessions for each student. The school will cover basic and advanced simulations using Python notebooks and open-source programs, including Quantum ESPRESSO, QEpy, Environ, DFTpy, eDFTpy and MBX. The event is designed to create connections between developers and users of atomistic simulation programs, as well as to nurture and grow a strong network of computational scientists.

Applications are due by April 29th - Please encourage your students, postdocs, and colleagues to apply! The $100 registration fee will cover housing and meals for all the participants. Specific funding will be awarded to support local (US-based) travel expenses.


We look forward to your participation! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Warm regards,
Oliviero Andreussi on behalf of the Q-MS Team

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Boise State University
Email: olivieroandreuss 'at' boisestate.edu
Web: http://www.materialab.org

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials