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17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces ... (No replies)
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17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17)
Milan (Italy), September19-21, 2016
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce the 17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17) to be held next September in Milan (Italy), September 19-21, 2016.
The Workshop will be the 17th of a series started in 1983 (SURPHON workshops). Since then it became a regular meeting event for theoretical and experimental surface physicists and chemists along the years. The last two editions took place in Leiden (The Netherlands, 2012) and Madrid (Spain, 2014). The workshop complements traditional topics for the series (growth, vibrations, surface chemistry…) with timely subjects: this edition, emphasis will be on the properties of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Alessandro Coati, Synchrotron SOLEIL (FR)
George Malliaras ENS Mines de Saint Etienne, (FR)
Eva Rauls, Universität Paderborn (DE)
Stefan Rauschenbach, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart (DE)
Alex Shluger, University College London (UK)
Ralf Tonner, Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE)
Latha Venkataraman, Columbia University NY (US)
Astrid de Wijn, University of Stockholm (SE)
In addition to the invited talks the program will include oral contributions as well as poster sessions. Abstract submission and registration will be open from May 2nd to June 19th, 2016. Students and young researchers will be encouraged to apply for local support.
Further details and updates are available at the workshop website:
We kindly ask you to advertise the workshop in your professional networks and to encourage your colleagues to participate in WDPS-17. The workshop flyer is available at:
We hope to see you in Milan next September!
With best regards,
The organising committee:
Guido Fratesi (Università di Milano, Italy)
William Allison (University of Cambridge, UK)
Giulio Casati (Università dell’Insubria, Italy)
Talat Shahnaz Rahman (University of Central Florida, FL, USA)
Gian Paolo Brivio (Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)