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17 May deadline: 12th OpenMolcas Meeting (Toront ... (No replies)
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Dear all!
If anyone would like to present a talk or poster at the 2024 OpenMolcas meeting in Toronto, please complete this form by 17 May 2024:
Invited speakers (confirmed so far):
Martin Head-Gordon (lead developer of Q-Chem)
Geoff Hutchison (lead developer of Avogadro and OpenBabel)
David Sherrill (lead developer of Psi4)
Bert de Jong (lead developer of NWChem and NWChemEx)
Ed Valeev (lead developer of MPQC and libint)
Devin Matthews (senior developer of CFOUR)
We aim to have zero registration fee and we managed to get a good discount on accommodation for about 20 rooms (only 6 more are available now).
People that have attended in previous years have had the opportunity to meet OpenMolcas developers and other users, and even to participate in implementing new features and recent developments in OpenMolcas that have been published in high-profile publications:
We hope to see you there!
Nike Dattani (on behalf of the local organizers)