“The diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method” . For more information contact Dr. Richard Needs .
“International workshop on computational physics in material science”
“Summer school on magnetism” . For more information contact Prof. Olle Eriksson.
“Hands-on FPLO” . For more information contact Dr. Manuel Richter.
“Theoretical approaches to the electronic structure and optical spectra of materials” . For more information contact Dr. Arno Schindlmayer.
“Hands-on course: KKR band structure and spectroscopy calculations” . For more information contact Prof. Hubert Ebert .
“Hybrid interfaces” . For more information contact Prof. Walter Temmerman.
“General conference of the CMD of the EPS: minicolloquia” . Brighton 8-11 April. For more information contact Prof. Walter Temmerman.
“Atomic scale computation for technology design: Is it necessary? Is it viable?” . For more information contact Dr. Jim Greer.
“Biophysics from first principles: from the electronic to the mesoscale” . For more information contact Prof. Flavio Seno.
“New developments in ab initio simulations”. For more information contact Prof. Volker Heine.
“Catalysis from first principles” . For more information contact Prof. Jürgen Hafner.
“The European conference on physics of magnetism” , July 1-5, 2002 in Poznan, Poland. For more information contact Prof. Andrzej Jezierski.
“The workshop on computational materials science” , 12th Edition, Villasimius (Sardinia, Italy) 23-29 September 2002. For more information contact Dr. Vincenzo Fiorentini.
“Hands-on tutorial course on the VASP code for ab initio simulations of materials properties and processes”. For more information contact Prof. Jürgen Hafner.
Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials